男人无法生育的10大原因 无法生育的6个症状传统观念中,膝下无子都是女人的错。其实男人也会患上不育症的。那么是什么原因导致男性不育的呢?下面就跟随360常识网为大家介绍。
《法国KEDGE商学院私董会 | 中小制造型企业的持续创新与创业》
法国马赛KEDGE商学院特聘私人董事会教练,领教工坊私人董事会签约领教,高级经济师, MBA导师。蜜兰投资机构创始合伙人, 绿派(上海)能源股份有限公司合伙人,中建信资本战略顾问,飞雕集团战略顾问。路先生拥有成功履职经验的高级经营管理专家。
擅长:集团战略、营运(运营)(横跨多家知名跨国公司、国企上市公司、民企集团), 品牌的投资、经营和管理。亲历运作过四家上市公司;亲历辅助过上市四家上市公司。在辅导创业型企业,有其独到之处。数十年间,曾在以下企业身居要职,并积累了极富价值的宝贵经验:三星电子(中国)董事长中方总经理、上海家化执行总经理、斯米克集团副总裁、飞雕集团总经理。
•所谓市者,"经理人员必须在不确定的条件下做出肯定的回答"(德鲁克, 《有效管理者》)。
二.飞雕集团如何把握势、市、事 ,5年销售6亿跃为20多亿
1、势 实施融入O2O商业形态的同心多元化平台模式战略
2、市 收购50年品牌历史的意大利企业为基础,启动了开发满足个性化需求的智能化产品与提高品质、降低成本的自动化装备投入的国际合作项目;提升品牌价值与美誉度的广告推广;
3、事 运营层面的具体体现:
• 毎天时时处置"项目"
• 跨部门协同推进"项目"
• 独立法人运营"项目"
• 体现论:研发体现产品巿场价值;设计体现产品制造成本;釆购体现企业利润
路至伟的观点是 : 传统企业的创新路径很多,还包括传统行业技术更新,商业模式创新,管理模式创新、横向行业整合、纵向行业整合、全球化并购整合、混合所有制机制创新等。至于走哪条路,这需要结合自身的特点而定。
案例回顾 :在项目概念阶段的陈述偏模糊,通过问答逐渐摸清,这正是本次私董会能够在半天不到的时间内起到的作用—项目的快速定位。
案例回顾 :咖啡业在中国市场日趋成熟,这是个有势的市场。项目概念呈述较清晰,有核心竞争力,竞争对手在短期难以超越。
案例创新点 :从产品到服务平台。
KEDGE PAB | Sustained Innovation and Entrepreneurship for SMES
Time:28 March 2015
Address:Hengshan Picardie Hotel, Shanghai
Instructor:Mr. Lu Zhiwei, Senior Economist and special invited coach at Peer Advisory Board, KEDGE Business School
Comments by:Dr. Wang Hua, Associate Professor, KEDGE Business School
怎么判断是阴虚还是阳虚 阳虚体质怎么调理最好对于体质是阴虚还是阳虚很多人都不好判断,总感觉自己容易病,体质差的话,大部分是营养失调的情况。下面,我们来看看360常识网带来的怎么
Special Report on the Peer Advisory Board
About Mr. Lu Zhiwei:
Mr. Lu is special invited coach at the Peer Advisory Board of KEDGE Business School, contracted coach at Leadership Beyond Boundaries, Senior Economist, and MBA instructor. With successful experience as a senior expert in operations and management, Mr. Lu is also founding partner of Milan Investment Institution, partner of Green Peak (Shanghai) Energy Co., Ltd., Strategic Advisor at CCB Principal Capital Management, and Strategic Advisor at Feidiao Group.
Mr. Lu is seasoned in corporate strategies, operations (spanning a number of well-known multinationals, state-owned listed companies and private groups), and investment, operation and management of brands. Having experience in steering the operations of four listed companies and assisting in the management of four other listed companies, Mr. Lu has his unique approach to coaching "entrepreneurial" companies. Over the decades, he has accumulated invaluable experience by serving crucial positions in the following companies: Samsung Electronics (China, General Manager), Shanghai Jahwa (Executive Director), CIMIC Group (Vice President), Feidiao Group (General Manager)
Summary of Mr. Lus Talk
1. My management philosophy of "trends, market, and business"
Mr. Lu started by providing a summary of his 44-year career in the manufacturing industry and introduced his management philosophy of "trends, market and business" first developed in the early 1990s.
Whether its for entrepreneurs or for board chairmen, adhering to the philosophy of "trends, market and business" helps evaluate the current situation and transform risks into opportunities.
• "Trends" refers to the understanding of the major dynamics of the macro- and meso-environment;
• "Market" requires that "under uncertainty, managers must give affirmative responses" (P. F. Drucker, The Effective Executive); and
• "Business" refers to business indicator evaluation systems. In dealing with operations, these indicators (including reserve indicators) are a measure of managerial performance.
2. Focus on "trends, market, and business" brought Feidiao sales up over threefold in five years
In 2013, guided by the philosophy of "trends, market and business", Feidiao Group managed to generate over 2 billion yuan in sales revenue, up from 600 million in 2009.
1. Regarding trends: The strategy of "concentric diversification platform model" was implemented with an aim to integrate company into the O2O ecosystem.
2. As for "market", an Italian brand with a history of over 50 years was acquired, building on which ???an international cooperation project was launched to develop smart products that meets personal needs and to invest in automation equipment that enhances quality while reduces costs. Meanwhile, advertisement campaigns were launched to raise brand value and reputation.
3. In term of "business", the following efforts were made at the operations level:
(1) Functional interpretation
• Employees at all levels assume specific functions according to their relevance to "trends, market and business";
• All departments (regions) build the operational basis for "trends, market and business";
• The management team creates synergy around "trends, market and business".
(2) Project-based interpretation
• Daily "project" implementation;
• Inter-departmental promotion of the "project";
• Independent operation of the "project" as a legal entity.
(3) Operational interpretation
• The "embodiment" theory: R&D embodies the market value of products; design embodies the production cost; and purchasing embodies business profit.
• The "influence" theory: the planning framework influences operational capacity; inventory structure influences healthy operation; logistics and distribution influences operational quality;
• The "determinant" theory: development is determined by an appropriate supply chain, a well-balanced (concentric) diversification; and a culture of sustained incentives.
With the advent of e-business as a new channel driven by the popularization of the Internet, more choices were given to players in the distribution channel; in the mean time, it becomes possible to reach or reveal consumers personalized needs. Feidiao Group stands out among competitors when it comes to meet the needs or solve customers’ pain points, such as providing product solutions, new processes, new features, and integrated options for color and design combinations, etc.
However, a large number of manufacturers similar to Feidiao are still trudging ahead searching for breakthroughs either in terms of innovation or entrepreneurship, especially as the mobile Internet industry is taking shape in the course of commercialization.
From the perspective of "trends," there are three main reasons behind the difficulties in innovation and entrepreneurship.
(1) The Internet is reshaping business rules.
The Internet technology has extended the connotation and denotation of "media". As a changing media refreshes the humanistic aspects of the society (including values), its business rules are being reshaped. For example, the Internet promotes decentralization, removal of agents, and elimination of information asymmetry. However, traditional manufacturers exist because of asymmetric information and hence the need for intermediate links and large-corporation dominance. Under such impacts, traditional manufacturers face revolutionary threats against their business models.
(2) Technology is impacting the traditional business model.
As mobile Internet becomes commercialized, it has become an inevitable trend for traditional manufacturers to become connected. Technology innovations such as mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing etc., is catalyzing business model evolutions among traditional manufacturers and bringing in new models for operations and management.
(3) Caught in the comfort of "extensive growth"
For years, the Chinese economy used to grow at a rate of around 10% in GDP terms. It has become a widespread believe that whatever products can find its market, and therefore, not much investment has been given to core technology and equipment, the protection of intellectual property rights has not been accepted as a social norm, and corporate executives are more interested in the low labor costs thanks to demographic dividend. However, Chinas economy has already turned into a "new normal" that requires entrepreneurs to break away from the traditional business model for extensive growth and introduce the necessary innovation to cope with the new paradigm.
3. Observation and insights from facilitating innovation and entrepreneurship in traditional manufacturers
There are several rules to follow regardless of the difficulties facing innovation and entrepreneurship for the manufacturing industry. Based on years of industry experience combined with the experience of coaching over 10 companies in recent years, and looking at issues from the "market" perspective, Lu Zhiwei summarized his observations and insights into the following four types:
Type 1: Holding fast to the main business. Avoid haste shifts in response to industry opportunities; the way to success rests in holding on to the main business. Didou, an anti-acne brand of a cosmetics company used to dominate the market especially in the OTC segments. For such companies, its not necessary to steer away, because there remains much room for innovation and development in the cosmetics industry.
Type 2: Innovation and entrepreneurship building on existing success. Velle, a manufacturer of automobile air conditioners for domestic car producers, grasped two opportunity points three years ago: robots and air conditioners for electric cars. The company recruited a Chinese "Industry 4.0" expert from Germany to lead the project, and allocated an entire floor from its new, 170-million yuan building for incubator projects.
Type 3: Reserve innovative projects for rapid transformation at the right time. Companies of this type did not start from scratch and are spinouts from established businesses. As they are fully aware that its difficult to achieve innovation on their own, they tend to implement (reserve) secondary innovation projects by integrating resources based on their original business. A successful example is FoDragon Automotive Technology Co., Ltd., an electric car business in collaboration with Hefei University of Technology, which was recently listed in the Xin San Ban OTC exchange.
Type 4: Equity investment. If the original business (company) is very successful, the capital accumulated can be set aside for equity investment. Green Peak (Shanghai) Energy Co., Ltd. is a high-tech manufacturer, its core technologies focus on energy-saving environment-friendly products. Green Peak went public successfully on 7 January 2015, and its founding investor (chairman) is a successful entrepreneur that falls under this category.
Lu Zhiwei observed that there are multiple pathways to innovation for traditional companies, which in addition to above include technology upgrades, business model innovation, management model innovation, horizontal and vertical industry integration, global merger and acquisition, mixed ownership mechanisms, among others. The pathway to take, however, should be decided based on individual companys specific situation.
The Peer Advisory Board Experience
In collaboration with Professor Wang Hua, the "trends, market and business" program promoted by Mr. Lu Zhiwei was unveiled at KEDGE Business School. The program combines Theory U and the management philosophy of trends, market and business to help Peer Advisory Board members develop and share simulated project planning for innovation or entrepreneurship.
Procedure of the Peer Advisory Board Session
1. Members are divided into four groups (topic owner groups), each representing a simulation start-up, and elect one CEO (topic owner).
2. Each group delivers presentations on the following aspects:
• The team;
• The business concept;
• The product; and
• The profit model,
where the profit model should cover the following points:
• The source of profit: customers
• The profit generator: products
• The profit leverage: value chain (internal and external)
• The profit barrier: core knowhow
3. At the end of each presentation, other groups ask questions from the perspectives of investors, consumers and team members, respectively. Starting from the concept of innovation, presenters promote their ideas for investment and financing opportunities.
4. General observation and sharing of observations among all members.
用保鲜膜来保护食物 保鲜膜的正确使用方法在厨房各种工具中有一个必不可少的就是保鲜膜,各种剩菜剩饭保鲜膜都可以帮我们。其实并不是所有的食物都可以用保鲜膜来保护
5. Review and comments by Professor Wang Hua.
After the four groups complete the start-up simulations, Professor Wang Hua provided the following review on each groups performance.
Review 1:B-B Printing (Small/Medium Rapid Printing Solution)
Case recap:presentation on the business concept was somewhat unclear, but was clarified during the question and answers session that followed. This is exactly the goal of the half-day Peer Advisory Board: supporting quick positioning of projects.
Point of innovation:Increasing the utilization rate of idle printing resources.
Recommendations:The next step is to explore deeper into the potential pain points and demands of customers and to realize rapid delivery by solving logistic issues.
Review 2:Quality coffee for the white collar at home
Case recap:the coffee industry is becoming mature in the Chinese market; its a market with potentials. The project is presented clearly with core competitiveness that competitors cannot surpass in short term.
Point of innovation:Building a distinct coffee culture, taking Nestlé as a benchmark, and bundling coffee machines and capsules into an integrated business model.
Recommendations:Pinpoint and breakthrough the bottleneck in the process of developing systems.
Review 3:Providing design service to drive CNC machine business
Case recap:The presentation phase didnt mention which market segment to target. It was towards the end of the program that the group decided on targeting small and medium companies. Hence, the Peer Advisory Board helps refine and clarify market positioning.
Point of innovation:from products to service platform.
Recommendations:Further refine industrial and geographic positioning and before gradually expand to other industries and provinces.
Review 4:Medium-term development models for the recently fast-growing electric car parts industry
Case recap:the business model could not be clarified until the end of the meeting, and more consideration is needed.
Point of innovation:To be discovered.
Recommendations:Centering on peripheral equipment for car batteries as a main business, try to shift from producing singular parts to modular products, and work towards a supplier of integrated modules.
Revolving around the topic of transforming traditional Chinese manufacturing companies and facilitated by two mentors, the event offered an opportunity for in-depth discussions on business model transition in the setup of a Peer Advisory Board.
The four cases selected by participants by voting are all trying to solve a certain pain point of customers, be it?? resource integration, core competitiveness development or industrial resource consolidation. This also confirms one point made by Mr. Lu: there are various pathways and solutions for the development of manufacturing companies.
In this Internet age, Chinese manufacturing entrepreneurs are faced with astounding impacts on their minds. As mentioned by a participant of the meeting: the impact to ones way of thinking is comparable to a system reinstall and formatting of a computer. Entrepreneurs must work together, follow new trends and transform their mindset in the effort to establish new strategies for development, getting ready to embrace the Blue Ocean.
六年有余,分别受邀为法国马赛KEDGE商学院 特聘私董教练、领教工坊 特聘私董领教、外滩私董机构 特聘私董教练、师董会导师...。
Nice to meet you
肉吃多了伤心又伤脑 老人这样吃肉才健康很多人认为,中老年人要少吃肉,肉吃太多会导致三高。其实,这是错误的。中老年朋友如果不注意营养均衡,拒绝吃某些食物,反而容易加快身体
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- 编辑:王丽
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